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Please visit us at our downtown
transfer center on the corner of 4th Street and 1st Avenue South.
Since its opening, the transfer center has exceeded expectations.
Here are the details:
On December 10, 2001, the Great Falls Transit
District (GFTD) opened its new transfer center for business. GFTD buses—which had previously parked on the streets—began
pulling into the building’s garage.
Since opening, the transfer center has provided comfort to
thousands of GFTD’s passengers. Before
the transfer center opened, these passengers had to wait for buses along
two city blocks. Now, they
mingle at a central location. Before,
they had to wait outside for buses in cold and warm weather alike.
Now, they comfortably wait indoors.
Before, they had to wait on noisy, downtown streets.
Now, they wait in a quiet, attractive building—a building with
ADA-accessible restrooms and with an attendant to answer their questions.
Considering all these improvements, it’s no surprise that GFTD
has received a flood of positive feedback.
Although the transfer center is new for GFTD, it is by no
means new for the community; in fact, it’s not even new for buses.
The building was constructed in 1947 by the Northland Greyhound
Lines of Minneapolis. After construction, intercity buses used the building for
several decades. In 1994,
however, the buses moved to a new location leaving the bus depot vacant.
After six years of vacancy, GFTD acquired the bus depot on July 28, 2000.
With a MACI (Montana Air Quality and Congestion Initiative) grant
and property-tax funds, GFTD obtained a useful building—and more.
Aside from its convenient downtown location and its practical
design, the old bus depot offers the community a glance at the past.
Because of extensive refurbishing, the building now looks new—but
it retains its historical features. It
provides an impressive example of the “art moderne” architectural
style. Its unique terrazzo
floors and glazed-terracotta tiled walls give it value and character.
Undoubtedly, the building is a treasure for the community.
In January of 2002, the GFTD Transfer Center began offering an
additional amenity to residents—intercity bus service.
The old intercity buses have moved back to the transfer center, and
they operate from the building’s east side.
Now, GFTD and Salt Lake Express jointly occupy the building and
meet the transportation needs of thousands of residents. In March of 2020,
Salt Lake Express didn't renew their lease and the intercity side of the
building is vacant.
In addition, GFTD has completed
over thirty seven years of continuous operations.
The transit agency began service on February 8, 1982. During the
following three and one half decades, GFTD provided almost 17,000,000 rides for the
residents of Great Falls and Black Eagle. GFTD looks forward to its next thirty seven years of public